Hi Everyone,

So much has happened since I last sent a Blog. My husband and I have downsized and have shifted to our new abode. What a massive job that proved to be but even though we are far from organized we are very happy in our new home.

We are still residing in Hamersley which means I am really pleased to still be a part of the Stirling Open Art Studios. You will now find me at 50 Aintree Street which is very easy to find. I can’t wait to show you the new artworks I have been creating. As usual I will have Framed and Unframed Artworks for sale. I will be reducing the price on some of my Artworks because I have found I just can’t accommodate all of my paintings.

For Details: @STIRLINGOPENARTSTUDIOS Facebook and Instagram

Sunday 9th March & Sunday 16th March

10am - 4pm

Greg Allen Workshop

Cass Gartner and I are delighted to be hosting an Art workshop with one of Australia’s leading Watercolour Artists Greg Allen. Greg Allen – Twenty Melbourne Painters Society Inc

Greg is not only a wonderfully talented artist he is also an extremely experienced and well renowned teacher. He has taught all over the world and is in high demand. We are delighted that he is coming to W.A.

Tuesday 17th June - Thursday 19th June 2025

Warwick Bowling Club, Lloyd Drive, Warwick.

Morning and afternoon tea will be available. Lunch will be provided.

Cost $190 per Day.

Plein Air Workshop

Friday 20th June - Sunday 22nd June 2025

The workshop will be held in the Swan Valley. Times and locations to be decided closer to the date.

Artists will need to book their own accommodation if they choose to stay in the Swan Valley and arrange their own food.

Cost: $170 per day.

Please email Cass Gartner , to check availability and find out more information.

This workshop is already filling quickly so please contact Cass ASAP to avoid disappointment. There are limited places available.

I am looking forward to seeing you at the Stirling Open Art Studios.

Cheers for now

Stephanie Boyle.

Moving On Art Sale

Hi Everyone,

Something very significant is happening in our lives. We have sold our house and are downsizing to a much smaller abode. This means I will no longer have my beautiful art studio/shed to paint in and display my artwork. It is very large and cavernous so I have accumulated way too much art and art related materials over the years. It is time for me to let go and move on. I just won’t be able to fit all my paraphernalia and paintings in my new art space.

Hence my Moving On Art Sale.

Sunday 10th November 2024

25 Sunart Close, Hamersley.

10am- 4pm.

There will be a huge range of art for sale at never to be repeated prices. Framed artworks, unframed artworks.

Artbooks and magazines. Some Art materials. You never know what I will find when I start the big clean up.

Please come along, bring your friends and anyone interested in Art. Keep in mind Christmas is just around the corner and an original artwork would make a very special gift.

Thank you for all your support. I would love to see you on Sunday 10th November.

Cheers for now


Upcoming Events

Life has been hectic lately filled with many Arty activities but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chan Dissanayake Workshop

My friend, Cass Gartner and I had organized a 5 day workshop with the fabulous world renowned Watercolour Artist Chan Dissanayake. The first three days were in Perth, studio painting then we moved to York for 2 days of plein air painting. The participants really appreciated the delicious lunch Cass and I provided at the studio workshop. It is like being on a relaxing Art retreat where you can totally immerse yourself in enhancing your painting skills. Chan proved to be a wonderful teacher with excellent knowledge and skills that he willingly shared.

Artist in Residence/ Narrogin

I was delighted to spend a week in Narrogin in April as Artist in Residence. I was born in Narrogin Hospital and grew up on a wheat and sheep farm at Dudinin. I felt very much at home and loved getting out and about each day to do some plein air painting. The space is set up beautifully so I am hoping to return in the future.

Upcoming Workshop

Please pencil in Abstract Watercolours

Saturday 29th June 9.30am- 3.30pm Lunch supplied.

This is not set in concrete but if you are interested please email me. This workshop will be conducted from my home and numbers will be extremely limited so you receive lots of attention.

Details to follow at a later date.

Upcoming Exhibitions

I am busily painting for many Exhibitions at the moment and I am part of an exciting event, International Watercolour Exhibition 2024.

West Australian Society of Arts South Perth Community Hall, Cnr South Tce & Sandgate St

Friday 17th May 9.30am -4.30pm Saturday 18th Sunday 19th 9.30am - 2pm.

Pinjarra Art Exhibition: Saturday1st June -Monday 3rd June.

Mt Lawley Art Fund Raising Auction - Saturday 15th June. There is an image of my painting that I have donated at the end of this blog.

Watercolour Society International Watercolour Exhibition 2024

This is an Exhibition we are all thoroughly looking forward to. The Watercolour Society has invited Artists from all over the world to exhibit in Perth at the Central Park, 152 - 158 St George’s Tce, Perth. You will see some amazing Artwork on display in this stunning location. 10th June 9am-4pm until 21st June. Details

Bay Road Pantry Cafe, Bay Rd, Nedlands

My Artist friend Myra Staffa and I have a collection of Artworks on display and for sale at this delightful little cafe in Nedlands. You are very welcome to pop in for some coffee and cake or a light lunch while viewing the bright and cheery art.

Biggest Morning Tea

I would love to invite you to My Biggest Morning Tea to raise much needed funds towards cancer research. It will be on 7th June from 10am - 12.30pm at 25 Sunart Close, Hamersley.

This is a fun event and a great chance to catch up with friends whilst raising funds. There will be the usual delicious Morning Tea, games, the famous raffle where everyone wins a prize. Clive will have his yummy chutneys for sale and more. Please feel free to bring a friend.

Thank you so much for your continued interest in my Art.

Cheers for now, Stephanie

Stirling Open Art Studios

I would love to you invite you to this fabulous, fun and free event. Eighteen Artists from the City of Stirling will welcome you into their Art Studios to show you their latest creations. We have a wonderful group of artists including painters, potters, jewellers and sculptors for you to view. Many of the accomplished Artists have won multiple art awards.

You will be delighted by the variety and diversity of the work on display. I really hope you will be able to come along.

Sunday March 10th and Sunday 17th March 10am-4pm

For more information: Facebook - StirlingOpenArtStudios

Artwork for Sale & Upcoming Workshop

Happy New Year and welcome to my first Blog for 2024

I will be with Cass Gartner selling our original artwork this coming weekend in Fremantle. There will be a huge variety of art for sale at very reasonable prices. Details of the event are on my Facebook page and can be found at

We will be on location to chat about our artwork and would love to see you. Fremantle is a wonderful location with so many other things to see and do and maybe grab a meal while you are there.

I held my first Abstract Watercolour Workshop last Saturday and what a delightful group participated. I am really enjoying hosting these small workshops from home with a limited number in attendance. It provides a more intimate atmosphere and the students are commenting that they are learning so much.

My next Abstract Watercolour Workshop will be 24th February 2024. Details are below.

I have been asked to conduct a Loose Floral Workshop so that will be the next workshop on the agenda. I have not set a date for this workshop yet but if you think that you may be interested please email me at

I will be participating in the Stirling Open Art Studios which will be held on Sunday 10th March and Sunday 17th March. Please save these dates. I would love to welcome you to my home studio.

Thank you so much for following my art practice and activities.

Cheers for now


Watercolour Workshop

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe another year is passing us by. It has been a busy one for me on the artistic side and personally. I have been extremely lucky to experience two fabulous holidays. The first with the Watercolour Society to Japan then with my husband to Turkey, Greece and Albania. The older I get the more I realize that you have to take the opportunities when they are presented to you.

After conducting a hugely successful workshop at my home recently I have decided to conduct these on a regular basis. I will aim for one every four to six weeks throughout the year. You will find the flyer attached for my first 2024 workshop with all the information. This could be a fabulous idea for a Christmas present or a workshop to set you on an exciting creative path for 2024.

Please follow me on my Instagram and Facebook pages (Stephanie Boyle Art) where I am participating in a 30 day challenge of creating a painting every day for 30 days. All these paintings are for sale.

Thank you so much for following my artistic practice throughout 2023. I really do appreciate each and every one of you. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for 2024.

Cheers for now


Abstract Indulgence Workshop

Hi Everyone,

This will be my last workshop for the year so if you are looking for some creative inspiration please come along.

Numbers will be strictly limited so it will be a great chance to pick my brains and find some inspiration. I will be supplying lunch, morning and afternoon tea so it is a wonderful opportunity to relax and unwind.

I am taking part in a Challenge at the moment of painting a still life painting every day for 30 days. I can’t resist a challenge! These will be available for sale at a discounted price before Christmas. You can find them on my Instagram and Facebook pages. Stephanie Boyle Art. I will also be updating my website in the near future so please keep an eye out for the changes. I must admit these are long overdue!

If you would like to visit my studio by appointment please feel free to contact me. I have a great range of original paintings in all different price points. These can make a totally original and unique gift for Christmas.

Thank you once again for your support of my Art practice.

Cheers for now


Chan Dissanayake Workshop

Here is a wonderful opportunity to learn from world renowned Artist Chan Dissanayake. Cass Gartner and I are bringing Chan to W.A. to host Watercolour workshops in Perth and York.

We would love to invite you to participate. These workshops will fill quickly so please email me ASAP to avoid disappointment.

Cheers for now


Change of Plan

Hi Everyone,

I usually don’t like to bother you too often with unnecessary Blogs but here I am again.

Myra Staffa and I have hung our Exhibition at The Agency Gallery, 40 Bayview Terrace, Claremont.

We are delighted with how our artworks look on the high white walls with brilliant lighting. We are extremely lucky to be able to utilize this space but we do have to be mindful of the owners of The Agency Gallery. Of course their activities and plans must always take precedence.

Myra and I had planned an Opening for Sunday 15th October between 11am- 3pm.

Unfortunately this has had to be cancelled.

There will still be other opportunities to see our artwork at the gallery.

We are planning an Art Evening, 5pm-7pm Thursday 19th October. Myra and I will both be there and would love to see you. We will be at the Gallery on Sunday 29th, 11-1pm for a live painting session.

If you would like to meet at the gallery please email me Office hours are 9am-5pm but it may be wise to call ahead to confirm someone will be there. Keep an eye on my social media Instagram Stephanie Boyle Art for updates.

I received some good news that I had been awarded a Highly Commended award at the recent York Art and Craft Award.

I am delighted to say I will be a finalist in the City of Stirling Art Award. The Exhibition will be held 4th - 12th November with a great collection of 170 new artworks. Well worth a look.

This weekend will be the Watercolour Society Annual Awards Exhibition. I would love to invite you to the Opening Night. Thursday 12th October, 6.30 - 8.30pm. If you are unable to make the Opening the Exhibition runs all weekend.

Friday13th and Saturday 14th October 9am-5pm.

Sunday 15th October 9am-4pm.

I will be giving a demonstration on Friday afternoon from 1pm. Please come along if you are available.

Thank you for your patience and continued support.

Cheers for now Stephanie

It's All Happening

Hi Everyone,

I seem to be caught up in a whirlwind of creativity at the moment. Paintings of mine are heading to country Exhibitions and I have Exhibitions and events occurring in Perth that I wanted to let you know about. As I said, “It’s all happening!”

Exhibitions and Events:

Tresillian Annual Student/Tutor Exhibition, 21 Tyrell Street, Nedlands

10am-4pm Daily until 14th October.

Shire of Kondinin Acquistion Prize

Official Opening Friday 6th October 2023. Exhibition Open 10am-4pm, 7th to 11th October

The York Society Art and Craft Awards. 7th -15th October.

The Watercolour Society of W.A. Plein Air painting Competition

Saturday 7th October 2023, Gage Roads, Fremantle. Painting 9am-1pm.

All Watercolourists are invited to participate and everyone is very welcome to come along and watch.

The Watercolour Society of WA Annual Awards Exhibition

13th-15th October. Fri13th & Sat 14th 9am-5pm. Sunday 15th 9am-4pm.

Opening Night Thursday 12th October 6.30-8.30pm.

My friend and fellow Artist, Myra Staffa and I are holding a joint Exhibition at the Agency Gallery, Bay View Terrace, Claremont. We are delighted to be exhibiting in this light filled space so we hope you will be able to view the artworks on display from 9th October 2023. The Gallery isn’t always open so please contact me by email before you make a special trip.

Myra and I would love to invite you to share a celebratory glass of bubbles at The Agency Gallery on Sunday 15th October 11am-3pm.

Thursday 19th October 5pm- 7pm. Myra and I will both be at the Exhibition to talk about our Artworks on display and all things Art. You are very welcome to come along for a chat.

Sunday 29th October. 11am-4pm. Live painting. This should be great fun so we would love you to come along and watch us create. You never know what will happen!

Thank you all for your continued interest in my Art practice. Hopefully I will see you sometime in October.

Cheers for now


Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Wohoo! I just wanted to share some exciting news. We raised $2,000 for the Biggest Morning Tea Fundraising event. I had a wonderful group of ladies turn up and one very brave man. Everyone gave extremely generously and joined in the fun activities. The famous raffle where everyone wins a prize was a huge success once again.

Thank you so much to everyone that donated online who couldn’t make it on the day. Your generosity was outstanding. Thank you.

I dare not list everyone that helped by donating goods for the raffle or being a massive help on the day. I fear I may miss someone out. I do want to thank my husband Clive though. The master chutney chef and incredible helper. I couldn’t do it without him.

Next year I will do it all again and I would love for you to join me. It is such a worthy cause and such a joy to be able to support.

Cheers for now from Stephanie xo

Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

I would love to invite you to this fun event to raise money for Cancer research. It is so lovely to gather and share a cuppa and a chat while participating in something so worthwhile.

There will be a delicious morning tea available and the famous raffle where everyone is guaranteed to win a prize!

All my paintings, framed and unframed will be for sale and 25% of every sale I will donate to the Cancer Foundation.

If you have any books you are willing to part with, bring them along for the book stall. You must price your own books.

Please bring along any small coins to donate. There will be chutneys and other goodies for sale.

Bring your cash and be prepared to splash it around! This is a fund raising event after all. It is a real pleasure and a joy to be able to donate to a cause that affects so many people’s lives.

When: Friday 30th June 2023, 10am - 12pm.

Where: 25 Sunart Close, Hamersley.

RSVP for catering purposes by 26th June 2023 to

I really hope you can join us and please feel free to bring your friends. The more the merrier.

Cheers for now, Stephanie

Watercolour Weekend Fair

Hi Everyone,

Oh My Goodness. What a busy start to the year it has been. In March I travelled to Japan with a group of 8 Artists from the Watercolour Society of W.A. We had been invited to participate in an International Art Exhibition in Kobe. I gave a workshop while there along with the help of a translator which proved to be an interesting and rewarding exercise.

One of the highlights of our trip was a visit to the Holbein Art Factory. We now have more of an appreciation of the cost of a small tube of paint after seeing the rigorous manufacturing process. We were like kids in a Candy Store when we descended upon the Holbein Showroom. If only we didn’t have the restriction of space and weight in our suitcase!

My friend, Cass Gartner and I organized for Herman Pekel, a world famous Watercolour Artist to conduct watercolour workshops in W.A. We had two studio workshops in the city then travelled to the wheatbelt town of Beverley to have three fabulous days of plein air painting. We all had a wonderful time and learnt so much from watching Herman paint.

Cass and I plan to conduct similar workshops annually. Please keep an eye on this space for any information of upcoming events and exhibitions.

This Saturday and Sunday I will be in Fremantle at the Italian Club with some framed and lots of unframed paintings for sale. I would love to see you there. Please introduce yourself if we haven’t already met. See the attached Flyer for details.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support and interest in my Art practice.

Cheers for now

Stephanie Boyle

Art For Christmas Sale

Hi Everyone,

What a busy year it has been and once again it has flown by. Next year is already shaping up to be the year of travel with some exciting events on the agenda.

There comes a time when my studio seems to be bursting at the seams and I find it difficult to negotiate a path. It becomes harder to find things under the piles of Artwork. Time for a clean up!

I would love to invite you to my end of year Art for Christmas Sale. You will find a large range of Artworks from traditional Watercolours to large and small abstract Acrylic and Watercolour paintings. It is a great opportunity to visit my Studio and see the variety of paintings I have created. You know I can’t stick to one style or medium so there will be something for everyone.

Thank you once again for being so supportive of my Artistic endeavours. Looking forward to seeing you on 20th November where you may be able to find a totally original Christmas present or something for yourself.

Cheers for now


Upcoming Workshop & Exhibitions

It is the season for Art Exhibitions once again and of course I will be taking part in many.

This weekend there are two are Exhibitions that I am delighted to be a part of.

Hale School stages a brilliant Art Exhibition each year and if you are quick you could still get a ticket to Opening Night. It will be open all weekend and I thoroughly recommend a visit . For more details go to Fine Art @ Hale (

I have four paintings on display at Army Art this weekend. Once again tickets are available for Opening Night on Friday or you will be able to attend over the weekend. I have been exhibiting for many years and it is always wonderful to visit and see the huge variety of artwork, sculpture, ceramics and more. For more information go to Army Art WA (Inc).

I have all my paintings packed and ready to go to the Morawa Art Exhibition. The Exhibition runs from Friday 5th August - Sunday 14th August 2022. If you are up that way checking out the wildflowers please call in.

There are many more Upcoming Exhibitions but I will keep you updated closer to the time.

I will be conducting a workshop at the Jacksons Balcatta Store on Friday 2nd September, “Approaching Abstraction with Watercolours”. If you would like to find out more information, please check out Jacksons website Jacksons Drawing Supplies.

I will be making my way to Beverley, a small country town in the wheatbelt to once again be the Artist in Residence. This will be happening in August and I can’t wait. You know I am a country girl at heart and I just love getting out in the wide open spaces. I will be taking the opportunity to do a lot of plein air painting.

I hope you have all been keeping well. Thank you once again for your ongoing support.

Cheers for now from Stephanie

Gelli Printing Workshop

My Solo Art Exhibition will be finishing this Friday 24th June at 4pm. Thank you so much to all the people who have taken the time to visit Tresillian Art Centre to have a look . It has been great to read all the wonderful comments in the visitors book.

I have some upcoming group Exhibitions that I will be entering into. I will keep you updated in future Blogs.

Gelli Printing Workshop with Myra Staffa

I had an immediate response to this workshop which was mentioned in my last Blog. It filled up within days so Myra has agreed to do another workshop.

You will learn the Art of Gelli Printing. Fantastic results assured in this fun and sociable group. Limited numbers 6-8 people.

Wednesday 20th July 2022

9.30am - 12.30pm

My home - 25 Sunart Close, Hamersley.

$85.00 All equipment and materials will be provided. Just bring yourself.

No experience necessary.

Morning Tea will be provided.

Please contact me ASAP if you are interested. Full payment will secure your place in the workshop. If you can’t attend the workshop, 48 hours notice is required for your money to be refunded.

Cheers for now and thank you for your ongoing support.


Solo Exhibition and Upcoming Workshop

I wanted to sincerely thank everyone who came to the Opening of my Solo Art Exhibition “Time Will Tell”.

After working solidly on this body of work for nearly two years I ended up with 51 paintings on display.

It was a wonderful night of celebration for me to see all my paintings displayed beautifully in a great space. Tresillian Arts Centre lends itself really well to my diverse range of Artworks. From traditional landscape paintings to big, bold abstracts.

I want to especially thank Myra Staffa, who gave the most beautiful speech to open my Exhibition. Myra also helped with the massive task of hanging all of my paintings. I can’t thank her enough. I started to blubber when I thanked my special husband and my beautiful family for always being there for me throughout my Artistic journey. I felt extremely grateful to everyone who came along and supported me.

If you missed out on Opening Night, never fear. The Exhibition runs until 24th June 2022 It is open business hours 9am-4pm Monday - Friday. Closed Saturday. I will be there Sunday 12th and Sunday 19th June 11am-2pm.

I teach on Monday morning at Tresillian so if you would like to pop in after 12pm the Cafe is open for coffee and light lunches.

Upcoming Workshop

I have finally persuaded Myra Staffa, who is an excellent Art Teacher and Artist, to hold a workshop at my home. You will learn the Art of Gelli Printing. Fantastic results assured in this fun and sociable group. Limited numbers 6-8 people.

Printmaking Workshop

Wednesday 13th July 2022

!0am - 1pm

25 Sunart Close, Hamersley

$85.00 All equipment and materials supplied. Just bring yourself.

No experience necessary

Morning Tea supplied

This workshop will fill quickly so please contact me ASAP. Full payment will secure your place in the workshop.

Please also come along to the International Watercolour Exhibition in Fremantle opening on 10th June. This will be a fabulous event with the opportunity to view watercolour paintings from artists in 15 different countries. Details can be found at IWEF 2022 – Events - WatercoloursWA .

Cheers for now and thank you for your ongoing support.