Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

I would love to invite you to this fun event to raise money for Cancer research. It is so lovely to gather and share a cuppa and a chat while participating in something so worthwhile.

There will be a delicious morning tea available and the famous raffle where everyone is guaranteed to win a prize!

All my paintings, framed and unframed will be for sale and 25% of every sale I will donate to the Cancer Foundation.

If you have any books you are willing to part with, bring them along for the book stall. You must price your own books.

Please bring along any small coins to donate. There will be chutneys and other goodies for sale.

Bring your cash and be prepared to splash it around! This is a fund raising event after all. It is a real pleasure and a joy to be able to donate to a cause that affects so many people’s lives.

When: Friday 30th June 2023, 10am - 12pm.

Where: 25 Sunart Close, Hamersley.

RSVP for catering purposes by 26th June 2023 to

I really hope you can join us and please feel free to bring your friends. The more the merrier.

Cheers for now, Stephanie