Hi Everyone,
So much has happened since I last sent a Blog. My husband and I have downsized and have shifted to our new abode. What a massive job that proved to be but even though we are far from organized we are very happy in our new home.
We are still residing in Hamersley which means I am really pleased to still be a part of the Stirling Open Art Studios. You will now find me at 50 Aintree Street which is very easy to find. I can’t wait to show you the new artworks I have been creating. As usual I will have Framed and Unframed Artworks for sale. I will be reducing the price on some of my Artworks because I have found I just can’t accommodate all of my paintings.
For Details: @STIRLINGOPENARTSTUDIOS Facebook and Instagram
Sunday 9th March & Sunday 16th March
10am - 4pm
Greg Allen Workshop
Cass Gartner and I are delighted to be hosting an Art workshop with one of Australia’s leading Watercolour Artists Greg Allen. Greg Allen – Twenty Melbourne Painters Society Inc
Greg is not only a wonderfully talented artist he is also an extremely experienced and well renowned teacher. He has taught all over the world and is in high demand. We are delighted that he is coming to W.A.
Tuesday 17th June - Thursday 19th June 2025
Warwick Bowling Club, Lloyd Drive, Warwick.
Morning and afternoon tea will be available. Lunch will be provided.
Cost $190 per Day.
Plein Air Workshop
Friday 20th June - Sunday 22nd June 2025
The workshop will be held in the Swan Valley. Times and locations to be decided closer to the date.
Artists will need to book their own accommodation if they choose to stay in the Swan Valley and arrange their own food.
Cost: $170 per day.
Please email Cass Gartner , cgartner@iinet.net.au to check availability and find out more information.
This workshop is already filling quickly so please contact Cass ASAP to avoid disappointment. There are limited places available.
I am looking forward to seeing you at the Stirling Open Art Studios.
Cheers for now
Stephanie Boyle.