Watercolour Workshop

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe another year is passing us by. It has been a busy one for me on the artistic side and personally. I have been extremely lucky to experience two fabulous holidays. The first with the Watercolour Society to Japan then with my husband to Turkey, Greece and Albania. The older I get the more I realize that you have to take the opportunities when they are presented to you.

After conducting a hugely successful workshop at my home recently I have decided to conduct these on a regular basis. I will aim for one every four to six weeks throughout the year. You will find the flyer attached for my first 2024 workshop with all the information. This could be a fabulous idea for a Christmas present or a workshop to set you on an exciting creative path for 2024.

Please follow me on my Instagram and Facebook pages (Stephanie Boyle Art) where I am participating in a 30 day challenge of creating a painting every day for 30 days. All these paintings are for sale.

Thank you so much for following my artistic practice throughout 2023. I really do appreciate each and every one of you. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for 2024.

Cheers for now
