Hi Everyone,
Well what a day it was on Saturday! The Perth Art Upmarket proved to be a very special and rewarding event but totally exhausting at the same time. It was absolutely fantastic to meet so many people interested in Art and I can’t thank you enough for coming along. It makes it all worthwhile for the organizers and the Artists.
Thank you for adding your name to my mailing list with the chance to win the painting below. I am delighted to say that the winner of the painting is Meg. She was so happy and commented that she never wins anything! This in turn made me feel good so I hope to have more paintings to give away in the future. Stay tuned for a Mother’s Day give away!
It was wonderful to chat to so many people at the Art Upmarket. It does give me some appreciation of what people are looking for. I had people enquiring about art workshops and classes. I have taught watercolours for many years starting at the Claremont School of Art, Tresillian Art Centre, Atwell Gallery and Canning Art Centre. I don’t teach on a regular basis because I like to have the freedom to travel but I do conduct workshops from home and wherever I am asked to do them. My workshops from home are very small so I can give lots of attention to my students. I feel you deserve this, especially when tackling the watercolour medium for the first time.
If you are interested in participating in a Beginners Watercolour Class can you please email me and let me know if a weekend or weekday would suit you best. All materials are supplied for a beginners class to avoid an initial outlay for products you may not use again. I also offer a one to one lesson with Watercolours and it is amazing what you can achieve in a short amount of time. I would work out what suited you and teach accordingly. Once again please email with any questions you may have. When I told a lady what I would charge for this service she was not scared off and hopefully we will do it!!!!
I would also like you to know that if you have purchased a painting from me in the past I am always happy to give my return customers a discount. I really appreciate you buying a painting form me and I love to hear the stories of where they are hanging and how they still bring joy after many years.
You are always very welcome to come to my studio to view any of my paintings. Please give me some warning though so I can clear a path. I get myself in a real mess when I am in action!
Once again it was lovely to meet you on Saturday and to see my wonderfully supportive friends and past customers.
Thank you and Cheers from Stephanie Boyle