Season's Greetings

Thank you so much for being wonderful supporters of my Art practice throughout 2021. I do hope you have a special Christmas spending time with your family and friends. Some of us have been separated from our loved ones for long periods of time so I sincerely hope 2022 will bring us all together.

The year 2022 is going to be an exciting one for me. I have started to paint and plan for a Solo Exhibition to be held in May/June at Tresillian Arts Centre in Nedlands. Opening Night will be 3rd June 2022 and I would love to invite you all to come along and celebrate with me. I will keep you updated closer to the date.

Another big event happening in May will be the Just 10 Contemporary Artists Art Exhibition. We are busily preparing and planning for this Exhibition at the moment. If you click on the link below it will ensure you are invited to this fabulous event. Please Follow and LIKE our Facebook page - Just 10 Contemporary Artists.

In February I will once again be a part of the City of Stirling Open Studios. This has proved to be an extremely popular and enjoyable event. It is a chance to visit Artists from the City of Stirling in their own studios in a relaxed atmosphere with the chance to view and purchase original Artwork. We will be Opening on Sunday 6th February 2022 and Sunday 13th February 2022 10-4pm. I would love to see you and please let me know if you are on my mailing list for an extra discount if you wish to purchase.

Our Facebook page is Stirling Open Art Studios.

Please Follow and Like me on my Instagram page Stephanie Boyle Art and my Facebook page Stephanie Boyle Art to be kept updated with my latest activities. I have added some new artwork to my website which is available for sale.

I would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas and I can’t wait to see you all in the New Year.

Cheers for now


Upcoming Workshop & Exhibitions

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe it is the end of October and Christmas is rapidly approaching.

I have a two important Art Exhibitions that are happening this weekend and I wanted to let you know about them.

My painting “Iris” has been accepted into the City of Stirling Art Awards and Exhibition 2021.

The Opening Night, which is a ticketed event, is this Thursday 28th October. The exhibition continues until Sunday 7th November and is open from 10am to 4pm daily at the City of Stirling Civic Centre Reception Hall.

I am delighted to be a part of the St Hilda’s Art Exhibition once again. Opening night is the 28th October and is a ticketed event. The exhibition will be open Friday 29th (2pm - 6pm), Saturday 30th (10am - 4pm) and Sunday 31st October (10am - 3pm) at St Hilda’s in Mosman Park.

On Friday 12th November I will be conducting a Watercolour Painting Workshop on Yupo Paper at Jacksons Drawing Supplies Balcatta. Please go to for more details and to register.

Next year I will be participating in the Stirling Shire Open Studio Event once again. This is a fabulous event which everyone enjoys so pop the dates in your diary. We will be opening our studios to the public on the 6th and 13th February.

Please keep an eye on my Social media accounts for any Christmas ideas for presents. I love the idea of buying local and supporting a local Artist.

Cheers for now

Stephanie Boyle

Upcoming Workshop & Exhibitions

Hi Everyone,

It has been a long time since I have written a blog and a lot has been happening.

Firstly I wanted to sincerely thank those of you who came to my Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser. It was a wonderful, humbling morning and I am always amazed by how much money we raise by simply sharing a cup of tea. This year we raised over $1.300. So very special.

I had the real pleasure of being Artist in Residence in the beautiful wheatbelt country town of Beverley. For two weeks in June I soaked up the fresh country air, enjoyed the stunning scenery and painted to my heart’s content. It was a fabulous and rewarding experience so I have booked to go again next year.


I will be conducting an Abstract Watercolour and Mixed Media Mark Making Workshop at Jacksons Balcatta Store. Friday 3rd September 2021. 10am- 2.30pm. Full details are on Jacksons website

Please contact Jacksons Drawing Supplies, Balcatta ph 9240 1795 to book. This workshop is almost sold out so you will need to contact them ASAP if you are interested.


I am entering into lots of country exhibitions at the moment. Being a country girl I love to support these exhibitions. I will briefly mention them and if you need more information please keep an eye on my Instagram and Facebook pages (stephanieboyleart) or google the Exhibition.

Newdegate Machinery Field Day Art Competition & Exhibition, 1st & 2nd September, 2021.

Dalwallinu Arts Festival 2021. 10th- 11th September.

Shire of Kondinin Aquisition Prize. 8 - 13th October.

Watercolours WA Annual Awards Exhibition 2021 at The Italian Club, Marine Terrace, Fremantle.

7th October (Opening Night) to Sunday 10th October 2021.

St Hilda’s Art Exhibition

Opening Night 28th October - Sunday 31st October 2021

I am also participating in the Mandurah Plein Air Painting Festival. 25th - 27th September. Plein air painting is painting outside what you see in front of you as opposed to painting in the comfort of your studio. It can be challenging to deal with the elements but it is something I love to do. It also helps improve my painting skills.

I hope you are all keeping well in this strange and uneasy times we have found ourselves living in. I know I am extremely lucky as an Artist and I really feel very grateful to have my own studio where I can retreat and blissfully create. Thank you once again for your continued support and interest in my Art practice.

Cheers for now


Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

Once again I am hosting a Biggest Morning Tea to raise money for those impacted by cancer. I am really hoping you will be able to come along. Feel free to bring your friends. The more the merrier. It is always a fun morning and I am so grateful for everyone’s generosity. It is amazing what can be achieved by sharing a cup of tea.

Time; 10am -1pm on Friday 11th June

25 Sunart Close, Hamersley

RSVP for catering purposes to

All my paintings will be for sale and I will donate 25% of any sales towards the cause. There will be a raffle, Chutneys and Marmalade for sale. A second hand Book Sale. Please price your own books. Bring your silver coins to donate. Plus More!

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Upcoming Exhibitions

Hi Everyone,

Today I am going to let you know some of the exciting things I am up to.

I am absolutely delighted to be one of the Artists chosen for a group Abstract Art Exhibition. Art Marx Gallery in Fremantle is a relatively new gallery in Perth. The only one that specializes in Abstract Art only. I am so excited to have some of my abstract watercolours on display.

If you would like to attend the Opening please RSVP to www.artmarxgallery or contact me. Please note the Exhibition will be running until the 26th April 2021

The Watercolour Society is as busy as ever. We are holding a Fund Raising Auction to raise money for the people affected by the Wooroloo Bush Fires. You will find the catalogue and more details on our website I have donated three paintings and there is no reserve price so you never know what might happen! It is going to be a fun and very worthwhile event.

I will be having a popup gallery at the Watercolour Weekend Fair. See details on the Flyer.

My paint brushes have been working overtime. I have been painting towards the Beverley Art Exhibition which is held over the Easter weekend.. A fantastic Art Exhibition in a small wheatbelt town if you fancy a drive to the country.

Thanks again for your continued interest and support. I hope you are all keeping safe and well.

Cheers for now


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Blue Watercolour on Yupo - this painting is to be auctioned at the Art for Wooroloo Fund Raising Auction.

Blue Watercolour on Yupo - this painting is to be auctioned at the Art for Wooroloo Fund Raising Auction.


Hi Everyone,

I wanted you to be the first to know that I will be conducting a workshop, “Exploring Abstraction” at Jacksons, Balcatta. It has not been advertised yet but if you contact Michele or the other friendly staff they will be able to take your booking. There was keen interest when I mentioned this workshop last Sunday so if you are interested please don’t delay.

Thank you to everyone who braved the horrible weather and visited my Art Studio last week. It’s happening again this Sunday 14th, 10am-4pm. and we would love to see you.

If you require a map, please go to the @StirlingOpenArtStudio Facebook Page or my Facebook or Instagram page StephanieBoyleArt.

Cheers for now




It's all happening!

I am delighted to let you know that the Stirling Open Art Studios will be going ahead with Covid restrictions in place. You must sign a register, wear a mask and be aware of social distancing. Please do not attend if you are unwell. We had been eagerly awaiting the announcement all week so we are so happy and relieved to be able to proceed.

If you see any of my paintings that you would like to buy please let me know you received this blog and I will give you a 25% discount. I really do appreciate your loyalty and continued interest in my artwork and this is some small way of saying thank you.

Please bring along some small change. I will have a raffle of some Artwork and the money will go towards the Lord Mayors Appeal for the people affected by the horrific bushfires this week. My heart goes out to them and this is a small way we can help..

I have so much framed artwork on display and mountains of unframed artwork. I am always amazed at the amount of artwork I create each year. I am looking forward to seeing you and can’t wait to show off my new more upmarket shed/studio.

Cheers for now

Stephanie xo

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Stirling Open Art Studios

Hello Everyone,

It is that time of the year once again. The Stirling Open Art Studios is approaching quickly and all the artists are working hard in anticipation. It is always a wonderful opportunity to catch up or maybe meet for the first time.

Since last year’s event I have had some major changes made to my studio/shed. I have had the walls lined and painted a clean, crisp off white and a hanging system installed. I am very grateful and extremely lucky to have such a great space to work in and display my artwork.

All of this happened just before Christmas. It was a major operation to get all my stuff out and sort through the heaps of art materials, papers, paintings and accumulated gear. It was scary to realize how much I had stashed away. I had visions of a minimal, white space with hardly anything in my studio but it hasn’t worked out that way. I still need to paint and I still require essential materials around me to make this happen. I can.t wait to show you!

I have attached the map and details of all the other talented Artisans taking part. We would love to see you and show you what we have been creating throughout the year. Your support and interest in local artists means a lot to us. I am a great believer in buying local if possible.

Cheers for now


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Wow, what a busy little patch of exhibitions and events I have had. The life of an artist seems to be like that with everything coming at once. I am very lucky to have won some prizes and made some wonderful sales so the hard work and running around is all worth it. I have also started teaching for the 4th term at Tresillian Arts Centre, Nedlands and once again I have a really lovely class.

I am delighted to announce the winner of my Giveaway painting at the Art Upmarket was Melinda.

Thank you to everyone who visited me at my stall and participated in this draw.

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I would like to inform you of an event that I will be involved in. St Hilda’s OSA Art Exhibition - details below.

Opening night is on Thursday 29th October, 6 - 8pm. Tickets are available at

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With Christmas approaching very quickly I will be putting some paintings for sale on my Instagram/Facebook (search Stephanie Boyle Art) and website so please keep an eye out. I will make sure there is a variety of subject matter and different price points. I think it is so important that we buy local and support our local Artisans who have all been affected by Covid this year. If you would like to visit me at my studio you would be very welcome. I need a little warning so I can clear a path through all the creative mess!

Thank you once again for your ongoing interest and support.

Cheers for now

Stephanie xo


Upcoming Exhibitions

Hi Everyone

I do hope you are all keeping fit and most importantly healthy. What a strange year it has been for us all.

All of a sudden I am becoming very busy with Exhibitions . I will list all the events that I am involved in and if we could catch up somewhere along the way that would be wonderful.

The Tresillian Student and Tutor Exhibition runs from 2nd - 18th October, Open Daily 10am - 4pm

21 Tyrell Street, Nedlands

Enrolments for art classes are open for Term 4 at the moment. Contact ph: 9389 1977

Watercolours WA Annual Awards Exhibition 2020

Details below.

Shire of Kondinin Acquisition Prize

Official Opening Friday 9th October 7.30pm-9.30pm

Exhibition Open 10th-14th October 10am-4pm

I have a painting entered into the City of Melville Art Awards. Go to for details.

I will be participating once again in the Perth Art Upmarket on Saturday 17th October 10am - 4pm at The University of W.A. Details at I would love to see you at this fabulous event. I will be downstairs in the Winthrop Hall.

I am very proud and excited to announce that I have been selected as a Finalist for the Australian Watercolour Muster - 2020. My work will be showcased to the world via our 2020 Australian Watercolour Muster Digital Online Gallery from 5th October 2020.

Exhibition and Sale of all the Artwork will take place between 5th October - 21st November.

The link to the gallery for this is

Cheers for now


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My Shop is Open for Business

I am delighted to let you know that I now have an online shop where you can browse and purchase my paintings. I would love to open my doors and welcome you to my brand new shop.

It is very easy to navigate. Go to my website and you will be taken directly to my shop. You don’t even need to put your make up on and get dressed up. How easy is that!

Selling artwork online is becoming more and more popular. I really hope you enjoy the experience. I hope to be adding more paintings so please keep an eye out.

I would love to hear your feedback and please let me know if you have any questions.

Cheers for now and happy shopping.


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Coming Out Of My Shell

Hi Everyone.

I do hope this finds you all well and unscathed from the dreaded Covid virus. I must admit some of my Artist friends have found this time extremely difficult with all or most of our means of earning taken away from us. I loved the time holed up in my shed/studio in my grotty painting clothes painting with no restrictions or deadlines. I used the time to follow some wonderful artists who provided online courses and the joy I find in painting never waned.

I am finally emerging from my self imposed and safe shell. The art world is re-awakening and exhibitions and events are starting to happen once again. I wanted to let you know what I have planned for the next few months.

I will be resuming teaching at Tresillian Art Centre, Nedlands on Monday 27th July. Watercolour Abstractions is a new course I will be teaching and I am really excited about the content. It is suitable for all levels so if you are interested, please contact Tresillian directly. Details are on their website

I am one of the artists selected to take part in the Perth Art Upmarket on Saturday 17th October at UWA. I will keep you updated with details closer to the date but mark this date in you diary. It is a fabulous event.

The Watercolour Society of W.A. will be holding their Annual Awards Exhibition in October at the Italian Club, Fremantle. Opening Night will be Thursday 8th October continuing until Sunday 11th October.

A few of the Country Exhibitions are finally starting to open after all of them being cancelled earlier in the year. I will be painting towards them.

I am a tad excited about my Website being revamped and a lot of new work added. There will be a Shop facility where you will be able to purchase directly from my website. This is still a work in progress. Please make sure you follow me on Instagram; Stephanie Boyle Art and Facebook Stephanie Boyle Art to kept updated. I am getting some help to set up this facility because my poor old brain just can’t cope with all that technology. I am so grateful for the help.

If ever you would like to visit my studio you are more than welcome. Please give me some warning so I can clear a path. My studio often looks like a bomb has gone off. I feel one of the lasting effects of the Covid virus will be the need to support local businesses as much as we possibly can so maybe you can find what you are looking for in my Shed.

Cheers for now and thank you for your ongoing interest and support of my Art practice.

Stephanie Boyle

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Painting Trees

Hi Everyone,

I have been teaching landscape painting at Tresillian Arts Centre, Nedlands, W.A. Unfortunately the term has been cut short because of the Covid-19 Virus. These painting demonstrations are for the people in my class but if you can benefit from them at all please do. At this unsettling and horrible time I think it will help to be kept motivated. I always find painting is the best way to relax and lose yourself in what you are creating.

Materials needed;  300gsm rough Watercolour paper. A5, Masking tape to tape around the edges, A board, Masking fluid,. Stick, Hake brush, Pointed round brush Size 8 or what you have., Rigger brush. French Ultramarine paint, Burnt Siena, Cobalt Blue,…

Materials needed; 300gsm rough Watercolour paper. A5, Masking tape to tape around the edges, A board, Masking fluid,. Stick, Hake brush, Pointed round brush Size 8 or what you have., Rigger brush. French Ultramarine paint, Burnt Siena, Cobalt Blue, Alizarin Crimson. Tissues, Spray bottle

I have used the same materials for all three paintings.

!. Using a stick so you don’t mess up your good brushes loosely mask out your tree and branches. Starting off thicker and becoming finer.

2. Leave to dry. Could take at least 1/2 hour. Don’t dry with the hairdryer. It will bake to your paper.

3. Paint a wash of Cobalt Blue over the whole of the painting. Leave to dry thoroughly.

4. Remove Masking Fluid. This can be done with your finger by rubbing.

5. Start painting your branches, leaving some whites of the paper at the top. Use a watery wash first of all the colours mixed together. Add darker tones, more pigment to certain areas. Do this wet on wet. You may want to tackle an area at a time.

Keep building up your tonal values, less water.. Use French Ultramarine, Burnt Sienna and Alizarin Crimson mixed together to get a variety of colours. Variety is important.

Don’t fiddle! Sorry I couldn’t help myself. .

This painting I sprayed the paper with my water bottle first.  I added watery washes of blue colour with a round brush conscious of leaving some whites.  While it was still damp I added a mixture of colours, French Ultramarine, Alizarin Crimson and …

This painting I sprayed the paper with my water bottle first. I added watery washes of blue colour with a round brush conscious of leaving some whites. While it was still damp I added a mixture of colours, French Ultramarine, Alizarin Crimson and Burnt Sienna making sure there was more pigment, less water than the first watery wash of blue.

When this was completely dry I painted in the branches using a round brush held right at the end so the strokes were not structured and straight. Start wider and tapering the branches to finer lines at the end. A fine rigger can be used to achieve very fine lines. I then started on the leaves. I sprayed first. A round brush loaded with paint on its side. I used the point to indicate a few leaves here and there. A quick splatter of paint to add some different marks. At the end I put a little wash over the right and left hand corner of the painting so it wasn’t so bitty.

I wet the whole of the painting and flooded in some pale watery colour.  I moved the painting around so it all blended together and mopped up the edges near the tape. Leave to dry completely.I then painted in the branches and leaves one area at a ti…

I wet the whole of the painting and flooded in some pale watery colour. I moved the painting around so it all blended together and mopped up the edges near the tape. Leave to dry completely.

I then painted in the branches and leaves one area at a time. Very random, scruffy marks like our Australian bush is. I splattered a few marks to add a variety of marks.

I really hope this has been of some help to you. Happy Painting.

Please stay safe and healthy everyone.

Stephanie Boyle xo

Upcoming Events

Just 10 Contemporary Artists

Hi Everyone,

I am barrelling along at a fast rate this year with one Event after another.

This Sunday I would love to invite you to the Just 10 Art Exhibition which will be held at the City of Perth Surf Life Saving Club, City Beach. This promises to be a very exciting Exhibition with over 80 Artworks on display and for sale. I am particularly looking forward to introducing some new and different Artwork of mine. I always feel as an Artist we should be exploring new and challenging ways of creating. I can’t wait to see how my new body of work will be received. You will be the first to view when you come along on Sunday.

Another highlight will be the unveiling of a collaborative painting created by all the Just 10 girls. A painting which is very special and totally unique. It will be available for sale.

Please note that the Exhibition will be for ONE DAY ONLY! 8am-5pm.

You find more of details on our Facebook page



International Watercolour Exhibition Fremantle

After well over a year of planning the International Watercolour Exhibition in Fremantle is only a matter of weeks away. This is a one off event, the first of its kind in Australia. I highly recommend that you make a point of visiting the exhibition which runs for a month. March 13th- April 13th.

Opening Night - Friday 13th March. Details;

I will be holding two FREE demonstrations.

Moores Building, 146 Henry Street, Fremantle

Exploring Abstraction on Sunday 5th April 10am-12pm

Triple T workshop. Tuesday 7th April 2020

A Hands on Demo offering a chance for you to Try Daniel Smith Paints, Test Neef Watercolour brushes and Trial Watercolour paper. Please contact me if you would like to register for either of these demonstrations.

On the 14th March there is going to be a plein air painting competition with $6,000.00 worth of prize money up for grabs. It is open to everyone so why not come along and give it a go. It only costs $20 to enter and the Watercolour Society will supply you with the paper.

For details;

To be kept updated Please follow me on Instagram; stephanieboyleart

I will look forward to catching up with you soon. Thank you once again for you ongoing interest and support of my art practice.

Cheers for now Stephanie Boyle


Upcoming Events

Hi Everyone,

It has been such a busy start to the year. I love to make the most of every opportunity so here goes with what I have coming up.

Please can I ask you to LIKE and follow me on my Instagram Account and my Art Facebook page (both Stephanie Boyle Art) to be kept updated with the latest details. With so much happening you will see what I am up to.

Stirling Open Art Studios

This is such a special event. I really hope you will be able to come along to my Open Studio as a part of the Stirling Open Art Studios. I am delighted to be launching a series of prints of African animals. I will have my original framed and unframed artwork for sale. Please make yourself known to me if I haven’t met you in person before.

Sunday 9th and Sunday 16th February 2020. 10am-4pm. Please note: Only open on the Sundays.

To find out more information, go to the Facebook page stirlingopenartstudios.

International Watercolour Exhibition 2020

I am absolutely thrilled to be inviting you to come along to this wonderful event. It is the first time anything of its kind has been staged in Australia. We have been working industriously for over a year for this exhibition to come to fruition. It is going to be brilliant to see the works of so many talented Watercolour Artists from all over the world on display. Please put this event in your calendar and make sure you come along. I could rave on forever but it is easier if you go to to find out details and to be kept updated.


Just 10 Contemporary Art Exhibition

Save the Date: I am working towards the Just 10 Contemporary Art Exhibition. I am really excited about what I will be exhibiting. It is going to be new and different so I hope you can come along and see what I am creating.

March 8th City Beach Surf Life Saving Club. One Day Only.

Facebook: Just 10 Contemporary Artists

Tresillian Art Course

There are still a few places available in the course I am teaching at the Tresillian Arts Centre. Watercolour Landscapes Far and Wide starting on Monday 10th February 9.30am to 12.30pm.

For details and to book online go to

Thank you very much for taking the time visit my events and follow my art journey. I really appreciate your ongoing support.

Cheers for now


Upcoming Workshop

Can you believe 2019 is almost behind us! Thank you once again for following and supporting me on my busy Artistic journey.

2020 is going to be so exciting. I am a committee member for the Watercolour Society of W.A. and we have been working steadily throughout this year towards our first International Watercolour Art Exhibition. An event of this acclaim has never been held in W.A. or Australia before so we are justifiably proud. You will find details of this event on the Watercolour Society website

I will be conducting a one day Workshop at Jacksons Balcatta Store. This would make a wonderful Christmas present for yourself or a creative member of your Family. Beginners are welcome and all the materials are supplied.

I will also be teaching at the Tresillian Arts Centre in Nedlands on a Monday morning for the first term. These courses fill very quickly so you will need to book ASAP if you are interested. Contact

I hope you all have a very happy and safe Christmas and wishing you all the very best for 2020.

Cheers for now

Stephanie Boyle




I will be part of the Perth Upmarket Christmas Pop Upmarket Tues 3 - Thurs 5 December 2019 10am -4pm Daily.

QV1 Building Foyer, 250 St Georges Terrace, Perth

It will be your chance to buy locally created, unique presents for your loved ones or yourself. I love the idea of Buy Local so It would be great to see you.



Fancy an Arty weekend in beautiful Busselton? I am conducting a 2 day workshop, Exploring Abstraction at Jacksons Store, 19 Queen Street, Busselton.

Sat 23rd Nov and Sun 24th Nov.

10am -3pm Both days

Cost $180 (2 Day Workshop)

Please book through Jacksons direct. Ph 9754 2188

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I have been selected to represent Australia in an International Art Exhibition which will be held in Fabriano, Italy My painting “Wildflower Season” and the other paintings are now for sale online for two weeks only.

If you want to see the artwork, go to


I currently have 13 paintings exhibited at the Boulevard Centre, 1 Bold Park Drive, Floreat WA. Right next door to the Floreat Forum Shopping Centre. It is a great light and bright space to have my work on display. You are very welcome to call by and check out the paintings during office hours. If you have any enquiries or would like to make a purchase please contact me. Ph: 0409 647033

Thanks again for your interest and ongoing support.


Give Away Painting

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know the winner of the my Give Away painting at the Perth Art Up Market last Saturday was Sue. Thank you to all the people who came along and supported us. It was a fabulous day with Winthrop Hall buzzing with art enthusiasts appreciating the work of local artists. Same time next year it will be happening once again.

I have started a new term of teaching beginners Watercolours at Tresillian Art Centre. What a joy it is to introduce people to this wonderful medium. Next year I will be teaching the first term. A landscape course titled Near and Far. If you are interested, these courses fill up quickly so contact the Tresillian Centre.

Next year is going to be an exciting year for Watercolours WA. Our committee has been planning all year for an International Art Exhibition to be held in the Moores Building in Fremantle. The Exhibition will run for a month along with workshops and events involving internationally renowned Watercolour Artists. As the event draws closer we are becoming more and more excited. I will keep you updated!

You can follow me on Instagram (stephanieboyleart) or my Art Facebook page (Stephanie Boyle Art).

Cheers for now
